Build the Confidence
to Speak Korean.

Join Moi Korean Sepaking
Club Membership

Can you relate?

  • You’ve studied Korean with video lessons and books, but you didn’t have much chance to speak with real people. So, you don’t know if you can really communicate in Korean.
  • You have learned Korean language for years, but you can’t speak basics. 
  • Improving conversational skill is your top priority of your language learning.
  • You want to overcome shyness and want to improve your speaking skill.
  • You need a safe and friendly space where you feel comfortable to practice speaking.

You will GET:

  • Live Classes

Book classes you want to join every week. You can join as much as you want at the time and day you want. 

  • Video Lessons & Downloadable PDF worksheets.

We provide you with weekly video lesson and worksheet. If you’re not confident to speak, you can be prepared with the video lesson first.

  • Community of Korean learners who want to improve their speaking skill.

Have you ever felt lonely or struggling by yourself with learning Korean? Moi Korean Speaking club is where you can find people just like you and motivate each other.

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